Step 2: Questionnaire

Answer the follow to the best of your ability

Your Name: (required)

Your Email: (required)

Phone Number: (required)

Please indicate the level of experience you have in each of the following fields by answering "None" or "Some". *If the answer is "Some," please explain: Demolition • Framing • Electrical • Plumbing • Drywall • Taping & Spackling • Tile • Cabinetry • Painting

Describe as well as you can your proposed design plan. Include all products that you would like to use. (Tiles, Plumbing fixtures, Electrical fixtures, etc.)

What initial questions or concerns do you have , now, that you would like to have answered before you begin?

Step 3 – Photos of Project

I will need to know exactly what your bathroom looks like. This can be accomplished through pictures. You can document your bathroom by taking detailed pictures of the room, and uploading them here,  or email them directly to


Several views of the ceiling, floor, and walls.

Views of the plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, lights and switches.

If you intend on increasing the electrical output (extra lights or outlets) you may need to add a circuit. If this is the case then a view of the circuit panel will be necessary.




Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


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